Dr Bhushan Shetty speaks on dialysis

‘Dialysis is a painful moment for a patient. Still it's required for people who have extreme kidney failure issues,’ said Dr Bhushan Shetty from district Wenlock hospital. He was speaking during a live phone in programme ‘Hallo Wenlock’ on June 16.

Human kidneys do the role of purification of blood; but when they fail the person should begin dialysis procedure. Kidneys do their work 24/7; but the dialysis procedure is enough just for two or three days in a week, Dr Shetty said.

When uremic poison increases in the blood, kidneys stop working. That is when a person needs dialysis, he said. Dialysis is needed for two types of people. There are 1 to 5 stages of kidney failure. In one to four stages, patients may not require dialysis, but when a person reaches stage 5D, he/she needs dialysis, he added.

He also said that according to nephrology guidelines there are various types of dialysis, such as temporary and permanent dialysis.

Many listeners raised doubts and questions on this topic. Wenlock hospital provides dialysis facilities, Dr Shetty said. It is always important to do a creatine test to check the health of kidneys, he said. He also shed light on donating kidneys which can help people with kidney failures to survive.

- Roshan Crasta, Radio Sarang