Stress prime cause of suicide, says Dr Caroline D’Souza

Noted neuro-psychiatric Dr Caroline D'Souza from Mangalore brought awareness to listeners of Radio Sarang on September 10. She was the guest on the occasion of world suicide prevention day during the Janadani live phone-in programme.

Dr D’Souza said that in India and abroad a person thought of suicide at least five times during his or her life span.

“These days people are in stress, poverty, unemployment and also face mental stress and stress of price rise, family issues etc. All these issues lead them to take this extreme step and end life,” she said.

She also added that addiction could also be one of the reasons for ending one’s life. “As per statistics, the rate of suicide among men is seven times more than women,” she said.

Dr D’Souza further said that among women hormonal changes could also lead to a lot of negative thoughts and women should be careful to always have positive attitude during those critical times.

She also expressed fear that by 2023 this rate will double. “Since victims rarely show signs of ending life, it has become difficult to prevent suicides most of the time,” he said.

Listeners interacted with Dr D’Souza.

- Roshan Crasta, Radio Sarang